Main Page
This is the about page, where you can find more facts about, well, me, duh. Anyways, this page would be more about my imagination, writing process, design process, creative process, a lot of processes. What goes around my head daily and how I cope with it during my designs. For each design, I would talk about what my process around the task was and how I manage to get around each obstacle I faced and got to where I finished. Enough with the description of this page (mainly). You came here to know more about me, well, read below.
Handsome Gentlemen
Congratulations, you checked the side. My name is unclassified, I don't got one. Keep that way. I'm a student, that's it. I'm a graphic designer, creator, and "illustrator". Now let's get one thing straight about me, being a designer wasn't my dream, my first major, it wasn't even in the picture. I really wanted to go into the gaming industry and so I chased my degree in Computer Science but it turned out to be a complete lie. I found it difficult and so, I gave my life from coding. Didn't know what else to do, then I found Design. As of right now, I'm a Graphic Designer (mainly) and not anything else but I do my way around the softwares. My dream currently is still becoming a game designer/developer, even a team leader. That's only whatI can tell. I love Graphic Design and learning how to be better makes my work 10x better and unique. I didn't know I can have a passion for this or even the "skills" to do this. That's my journey.